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UCD Permit Parking - Event Parking Application


UCD strongly advises the use of public transport wherever possible in support of the UCD Travel Plan2016-2021-2026. To view the UCD Commuting Guide for information on sustainable and activecommuting options click here.


A permit parking voucher only allows you to search for a parking space on campus. It does notguarantee that a space will be available when or where you want it.  Parking is provided on a fully first come, first served basis. Parking demand exceeds supply at peaktimes. 


A permit parking voucher is not valid in the paid hourly or premium car park spaces and if a userparks in these spaces they must pay the appropriate fee. To view the UCD Guide to Parking including a map of campus car parks click here. The voucher code for the event is:IMSS24


Applying for a temporary parking permit voucher


Before you start make sure you have to hand the following pieces of information:

  • Mobile phone

  • Car registration number



1. On your browser visit

2. Click the “New User?” button, enter your mobile number & click “Send SMS”

3. The browser will move to the next screen and you receive a six digit validation code.

4. Enter the code and click “Validate Code”

5. On the next page, enter & confirm a password of your choosing and then click “Save”

6. Click to return to the login page and enter the login details you chose (your mobile number &password)

7. Once logged in click “Buy Agreement” on the RHS

8. Enter your voucher code into the “Use voucher code” box and select the option displayed.

9. On the next page enter your vehicle reg. number, the start time in the displayed fields,accept the T&Cs & click “Continue”

10. On the next page enter your details in the requested fields and click “Submit”

11. Next page, confirm your details as displayed and click “Place order” and complete payment

12. This completes the order.


Finish your session by clicking “Log out”


Before arriving on campus please ensure:

  • You have read the terms and conditions and the associated UCD Parking Regulations beforebringing any car onto campus

  • Always comply with the UCD Parking Regulations when parking a car on campus

  • Check local car park signage for specific arrangements or changes


It is your responsibility to ensure the registration details of the car on your permit are accurate.Incorrect registration numbers will result in your vehicle being clamped. If your vehicle is clamped it is your responsibility to pay the fine and arrange the release of your vehicle.

​O'Brien Science Centre

University College Dublin, Belfield

 Dublin 4, Ireland

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